39th Congress of the French Theoretical Biology Society


Poitiers, June 24-27 2019

The French Theoretical Biology Society (Société Francophone de Biologie Théorique, SFBT) organises its 39th meeting in Poitiers (France) June 24-27, 2019. The aim of the meeting is to present and discuss research at the interface between mathematics and biology and to open new perspectives.

The registration fee will be 160 Euros. The reduced registration fee for students and for members of the SFBT will be 80 Euros.

Registration and payment (40 Euros) for the banquet (which will take place Tuesday 25th at the hotel Altéora) can be done with the online form.

Confirmed invited lecturers:

Monica Conti (Milan, Italy)
Andrea De Gaetano (Rome, Italy)
Jacques Demongeot (Grenoble and Genève)
Yohann Foucher (Nantes)
Stefania Gatti (Modena, Italy)
Megdad Mirebrahimi (Poitiers)
Stéphanie Ragot (Poitiers)
Elisabetta Rocca (Pavie, Italy)
Evariste Sanchez-Palencia (CNRS and Academy of Sciences)
Cécile Taing (Bordeaux)
Nathalie Verdière (Le Havre)

Scientific Committee

J. Demongeot (Grenoble), J.-P. Françoise (Paris 6), R. Guillevin (Poitiers), A. Miranville (Poitiers)


L. Cherfils (LaSIE, La Rochelle), J. Dambrine (LMA), R. Guillevin (CHU Poitiers), P.-Y. Louis (LMA),
A. Miranville (LMA, Chair), M. Petcu (LMA), P. Vanhaecke (LMA)
