
My works

- Publications et preprints,
- My PhD,
- "Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)",
- My talks.

PhD students

- Ali Ridhoi Mohamed Soidiki (2020-...)
- Léa Villeneuve (2020-2023)
- Paul Bartholmey (2015-2019)

Organisation of conferences

- Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry (GAGC)
- Algebraic groups: Geometry, Actions and Structure in Lyon (29th October - 2nd November 2018)
- Colloque tournant du GDR TLAG in Poitiers (31st January and 1st February 2019)
- FIBALGA Workshop in Poitiers (10th and 11th March 2022)

Local responsabilities

- Le Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications (my mathematical institute called LMA).

Mathematical links
- The team GaGaLie
- La faculté des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées de Poitiers (Science faculty).
- Le département de mathématiques de Poitiers (Mathematical department).
- La SMF.

Boris Pasquier

Member of the ANR FIBALGA (2019-2023)

Thema of research: Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory.
- Fano varieties, toric varieties, flag varieties, horospherical varieties, spherical varieties, Bott-Samelson varieties, Schubert varieties, two-orbit varieties;
- Birational geometry, Minimal Model Program;
- Algebraic groups, reductive groups, Kac-Moody groups;
- PRV conjecture, branching rules problems;
- Rational convex polytopes.

Professor at the university of Poitiers.
Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications
UMR 7348 du CNRS
Bât. H3
Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie
Site du Futuroscope
TSA 61125
86073 POITIERS Cedex 9
Phone number : +33 5 49 49 68 70
E-mail: @rob@s