My works- Publications et preprints,- My PhD, - "Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)", - My talks. PhD students- Ali Ridhoi Mohamed Soidiki (2020-...)- Léa Villeneuve (2020-2023) - Paul Bartholmey (2015-2019) Organisation of conferences- Algebraic Geometry and Complex Geometry (GAGC)- Algebraic groups: Geometry, Actions and Structure in Lyon (29th October - 2nd November 2018) - Colloque tournant du GDR TLAG in Poitiers (31st January and 1st February 2019) - FIBALGA Workshop in Poitiers (10th and 11th March 2022) Local responsabilities- Le Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications (my mathematical institute called LMA).Mathematical links- The team GaGaLie- La faculté des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées de Poitiers (Science faculty). - Le département de mathématiques de Poitiers (Mathematical department). - La SMF. |
Boris PasquierMember of the ANR FIBALGA (2019-2023) ![]() Thema of research: Algebraic Geometry and Representation Theory. - Fano varieties, toric varieties, flag varieties, horospherical varieties, spherical varieties, Bott-Samelson varieties, Schubert varieties, two-orbit varieties; - Birational geometry, Minimal Model Program; - Algebraic groups, reductive groups, Kac-Moody groups; - PRV conjecture, branching rules problems; - Rational convex polytopes. Professor at the university of Poitiers. Address: Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Applications UMR 7348 du CNRS Bât. H3 Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie Site du Futuroscope TSA 61125 86073 POITIERS Cedex 9 France Phone number : +33 5 49 49 68 70 E-mail: @rob@s |